"Spirit of Marc Chagall"

Mosaic Exhibition 2009

Allan Punton

Allan Punton Working Concept "imaginaire menagerie"

Artist Statement

“imaginarie menagerie”

Chagall's body of work has always had something special for me: fantastical, spiritual yet rooted in the human experience. I recently had the good fortune to see his stained glass work in Tudeley and those panels have inspired my piece in this exhibition. Chagall regarded blue as 'the colour of all colours' and I share that preference. I love abstract because it frees the viewer to see whatever they want, often not what the creator sees...so how many creatures are in the menagerie!
An idea for a composition usually starts with a 'mind's eye' visualisation and then I rummage through materials and colours to get a feel for tones, form and 'bling'. I use 'ArtRage' software to create a preliminary sketch. I like this because I can easily import photos of part completed work to build up layers of optional colours.
I live in Exmouth and work mainly in glass for mosaic. I am mesmerised by the play of light through transparent smalti.
'Imaginarie Menagerie' is a diptych, each panel being 24 inches tall by 10 inches wide. The substrate is made from reclaimed timber. Materials include Venice smalti, glass tile and fusing’s.

Contact Details. 

Email: apunton@artopunto.com

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